Sunday, November 11, 2007

marxist pluralist game

- The 21st Century audience has become more active(media illiterate) as there is now a diverse range of media to choose from and we have become more selective over what we watch.

-The ideas of diversity and selection are limited through media ownership, if institutions are in the hands of a single figure, the choice of media consumption is restricted. Furthermore, that ownership is in the hands of the elite - is that not hegemony?

-That 'wealthy elite' does not own the entire media. Audiences have many opinions. The media also provide what the audience want as otherwise their would not make any sales

-But influence is an important thing, especially when it is the 'wealthy elite' e.g. many teens will wear the same clothes their favourite celeb does.

-Yes they may do, but if their is a class division, the working lass people will not be able to afford to pay for clothes because the bourgeoisie - elite are constantly paying low wages to the proletariat - working class and therefore keeps them below them.

-Its not fair that their is a division in classes, people should not be discriminated against.

-There will always be 'wealthy elites' who have a lot of media ownership and social attitudes will stay bourgeoisie and proletariat.

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