Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New York Times and CNBC In alliance

The New York Times and business channel CNBC have struck a deal to share news and video clips online as both companies prepare for battle against Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal and Fox Business Network.
New York Times articles will be posted on CNBC's website, while video from the news channel will run on NYTimes.com
Murdoch, who is expected to drop the pay barrier for WSJ.com, is aiming to marry the brand and business pedigree of the Journal with the Fox Business Network, the US cable channel News Corp launched in October to take on CNBC.
However to rival with the NewYork times the Wall Street Journal is expected to cover more general and political issues.

This article highlights Rupert Murdoch's power, he is now launching another cable channel which would compete with CNBC. Therefore it would be difficult for rivals to take over parts of the industry due to Murdoch's influence and power.
But this also shows that more networks are now trying to rival with Murdoch.
However with Murdoch dropping the pay barrier(subscription is no longer needed), this would attract more users to his site - The Wall Street Journal, which would only lead to more competition.

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