Wednesday, January 02, 2008

BBC children's series confirms India is centre of animation

With a £10m budget, India-animated Freefonix is one of the BBC's biggest ever animation projects. The futuristic tale of mismatched musicians was two years in the making across three continents and involved more than 200 people.
Now a new BBC children's series airing this week will cement its position as a global centre for animators, the show will consist of 40 episodes which will be aimed at the 7-11 age group.
A spokesman for the new project said 'there were opportunities not only to outsource but to actually get investment for animation out of India. In the UK there is a major problem with animation for children because the broadcasters do not have sufficient budgets to finance animation, so it all has to come from private sources'.

I think that this project would be a success as it is being created by the BBC, but also this company is trying to make the most of tax breaks and other subsides available in other countries. But also this project has enabled various teams in different countries to swap files and communicate instantly via a video link service such as skype.

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